Who am I?

I am a Freedom loving Constitutionalist. My mission is to help Save America from tyrannical bureaucratic sociopaths by seeking the truth, exposing hypocrisy and helping educate those being severely misinformed. My motives behind this page are to provide thought provoking articles and justifying them with reputable sources which compel individuals to seek out the truth. Society has been conditioning individuals to hate our Nation’s Founding, one another and opposing views due to false pretenses, lies and emotional responses. I aim to help change the trajectory of our Nation.

My opinions and perspective are derived from my own research and sources will always be provided. I call it how I see it and prefer an unfiltered approach, if you don’t agree, I could careless.

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Patriot, America First Constitutionalist & Pragmatic Common Sense Thinker. Seek the Truth, it will set you free.